Neural Networks

Project 2


Elliott Chang, Cameron Adams

What is Machine learning/Deep learning

Machine learning is fundamentally about exploiting patterns in data.

Deep learning is a branch of ML which opts for huge expressive power, but losing almost all interpretability in the process.

For this project we will be exploring neural networks, mathematical structures which can (approximately) represent any function. Neural networks allow us to discover complex patterns in data that other models might not be able to predict.


We plan on illustrating the predictive power and flexibility of Neural Networks on data with complex relationships.

  • We decided to focus on classification tasks, with applications in clustering and computer vision.

Research Question:

  • How accurately can a simple neural network classify points with their correct clusters?

  • What are the benefits of using a neural network over other algorithms?

The Data

To illustrate the power and flexibility of neural networks, we created multiple datasets with complex relationships.

  • Each dataset contains two continuous predictor variables x and y, and one categorical response variable label with factors a and b.

  • Two continuous predictors allow us to visualize the relationships between these predictors easily, giving us an intuitive understand of what the underlying relationship might be

The Data

  • Despite the intuitive nature of the relationships, modeling them is quite difficult using tools that we’ve learned about so far in this class

What is a Neural Network?

  • a machine learning algorithm modeled on the human brain and nervous system (hence NEURAL network)

  • contains a network of nodes, organized into layers, each of which can be thought of as its own linear regression model

    • analogously, the ‘weights’ associated to a node can be viewed as slope coefficients and ‘biases’ can be viewed as the intercept terms
    • weights and biases are assigned randomly, then iteratively changed to reduce training error
  • each additional node allows for a different linear relationships… adding more ‘layers’ of nodes allows for more flexible, non-linear relationships

  • similar to decision trees, one can think of neural networks as ‘partitioning’ the predictor space

What is a Neural Network?

Training Neural Networks

Training neural network involves

  • Training/testing split

  • Specifying the architecture of your neural network

    • How many layers?

    • How many nodes?

    • Training rate?

    • Epochs?

Testing Neural Networks

Testing a neural network in the context of classification tasks involves

  • Use the model to make predictions on the test data

  • Compare the predictions to the true values

    • Overall accuracy?

    • Specificity?

    • Sensitivity?

Gauss Model

model1 <- neuralnet(
      a   b
  a 113   0
  b   0  87
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1      100

X Model

model2 <- neuralnet(
      a   b
  a  99   0
  b   0 101
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1      100

XY Model

model3 <- neuralnet(
      a   b
  a 104   1
  b   3  92
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1       98

Spiral Model

model4 <- neuralnet(
    label~x + y,
    hidden=c(8,8), #two hidden layers with 8 nodes each
     a  b
  a 94  3
  b  8 95
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1     94.5


  • Neural Networks are extremely powerful, especially in the context of classification

  • Neural Networks are significantly more flexible but also limiting than other algorithms:

    • Compared to traditional models such as decision trees and linear regression, neural networks provided enhanced accuracy and flexibility, handling non-linear data relationships more effectively
  • The ‘black box’ nature of deep learning models can impede interpretability and trustworthiness

Where to go from here?

  • Neural Networks are great for image classification (CNN’s) and object detection.

  • Self driving with reinforcmenet learning

  • Neural networks are pivotal in natureal langauge processing for tasks like translation, sentiment analysis, and chatbots

  • Generate AI’s that can play and excel at complex games, such as Chess and Go (AlphaGo 2016)

  • Cybersecurity and fraud detection (pattern recognition)